Award-Winning Realtor
International Real Estate Contributor @TELEVISAUNIVISION KMEX 34  Los Angeles, El Gordo y La Flaca, Santa Ana College  Instructor

Award Winning Realtor *   International Real Estate
Los Angeles, El Gordo y La Flaca, Santa Ana College

bigstock-Resort-collage-made-of-Cyprus--14454446Wealthy home buyers are paying lower average rates on high dollar loans, and in some cases, they don’t even have to worry about a large down payment or mortgage insurance.

For months, lenders of jumbo mortgages have been charging interest rates that are lower  than what average borrowers pay. Jumbo loans are mortgages that above $417,000 or $625,000 or more in high-priced markets.

Many lenders also have requiring as little as 10 percent, which is about half the normal rate, waiving the private mortgage insurance, and even lowered their credit standards for jumbo loan originations.

Luxury homes are selling faster than last year, according to data through July from   The median age of listings ranged from 80 days  for homes listed at $1 million or more.

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