Award-Winning Realtor
International Real Estate Contributor @TELEVISAUNIVISION KMEX 34  Los Angeles, El Gordo y La Flaca, Santa Ana College  Instructor

Award Winning Realtor *   International Real Estate
Los Angeles, El Gordo y La Flaca, Santa Ana College

front entranceOnce again the voices of the REALTORS® were heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill, and we scored a big win for future homeowners! Thanks to the more than 139,000 REALTORS®, or 15% of our members, across the nation, the Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act of 2016, or H.R. 3700, passed the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent, and was signed into law by President Obama on July 29, 2016.  This legislation:

On behalf of the NAR Leadership Team, we would like to thank you and your colleagues for this amazing grassroots effort and for all your support for this national Call for Action.  Our state and local association partners did a great job in leading the efforts to get the U.S. Senate to act on this critical legislation.   This victory was made possible by the collective efforts of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, and our state and local association partners. When REALTORS® speak in a single unified voice, Congress listens.

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