Award-Winning Realtor
International Real Estate Contributor @TELEVISAUNIVISION KMEX 34  Los Angeles, El Gordo y La Flaca, Santa Ana College  Instructor

Award Winning Realtor *   International Real Estate
Los Angeles, El Gordo y La Flaca, Santa Ana College

American’s Powerful Belief in Homeownership as an Investment | Simplifying The Market

The Federal Reserve Bank (The Fed) recently released their 2019  Survey of Consumer Expectations Housing Survey. The survey reported that 65% of Americans believe homeownership is a good financial investment. Since 2014, the percentage has increased by over nine percent.Americans' Powerful Belief in Homeownership as an Investment | Simplifying The MarketThe Fed’s survey also showed that when the results are broken down by age, education, income, or region of the country, more than 55% of Americans in each category see homeownership as a good investment.

This coincides with a recent Gallup survey of Americans which revealed that real estate was their number one choice for the best long-term investment when compared to stocks, savings accounts or gold.

Bottom Line

Americans’ belief in residential real estate as a good financial investment continues to grow as the housing market returns to normalcy.

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